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Presentation of GCSE Certificates

On Tuesday 29th November, parents and students attended a presentation of GCSE certificates event along with teachers, staff and our guest speaker and presenter of certificates, Sanjana Iyer, one of last year's members of Kendrick Student Leaders.

Ms. Kattirtzi began by congratulating the students for all the amazing work they did throughout the GCSE course.  Faced with the challenges and uncertainty of COVID, Kendrick School, staff and students with sheer determination and hard work produced outstanding results, which resulted in our progress 8 measure at +0.94, placing the progress of our students in the top 2% of the country.

Sanjana addressed the students, and presented them with their certificates, which included a book token from the school.  Here's an excerpt from Sanjana's speech,"All we are aiming for is doing our best. Some days that is just going to your lessons, other days it’s taking on new challenges and experiences, and that journey to figuring out who you want to be is one you will be on for your whole life, but that is what’s so beautiful about it. You don't need it all sorted now; you have your whole life ahead of you. You are only ever confined by the boxes you put yourself in and can only fly as far as you allow yourself to spread your wings."


Thank you and well done to all our students! You have made us proud and should also feel very proud yourselves of all that you have done!