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Coronation Celebrations

A new era of reign could only mean one thing…celebrations! As we marked a historic and patriotic moment for the country, it was very important as a community to remember our key values such as friendship and kindness, showcase talent, and bring the community together through various celebrations. Throughout the school, there were diverse events held from Art and Poetry competitions to even making our very own Kendrick time capsule! And here are some of the highlights… 

Firstly, in preparation for our celebrations, we had a multitude of competitions to really highlight our competitive Kendrick spirit! We had an Art competition portraying the new King’s portrait, Poetry competition to commemorate the old reign and celebrate the new, and the Kendrick Student Leaders Team organised the ‘Design a Crown’ competition, all crowns being colourful and unique, showcasing Kendrick’s talent. The winners of these creative competitions are as follows:

  • Best Dressed - Lauren - Year 9  
  • Design a Crown - Saanvi - Year 7
  • Art Competition - Manya - Year 8
  • Poetry Competition - Miraya - Year 7, her poem
  • The Coronation Quiz -  Manya - Year 11


Everyone who participated did an amazing job with their hard work and just getting involved. 

Secondly, we hosted nominations for the Kendrick Community Award to celebrate those people who spread kindness and uphold the very values of our pledge. There were a huge number of nominees who deserve to be applauded, but these winners of the award just went the extra mile:

  • KS3 - Neomi 
  • KS4 – Izzy 
  • KS5 – Heather 

Thirdly, the showstopper of them all was our very own Kendrick Garden Party on the 5th of May!  As students from Year 7 to Sixth Form gathered on our front lawn, it was truly a wonderful sight, seeing everyone dress up, having fun, and enjoying cake with their friends and teachers. It really brings meaning to the word ‘community’.

Moreover, we also organised the time capsule where all Forms contributed one item to put in the capsule to be buried and dug up 25 years from now – items ranging from fingerprints to Covid testing kits and coins, all representing life up to 2023.

Finally, we had a parade showcasing all the beautiful (some) British attire such as top hats and sundresses ending the party and celebrations with a bang! 

Celebrations at Kendrick just hit the spot, don’t you think? 

Medha - Year 12 Curriculum and Current Affairs Committee