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A Tribute To Manasvini

It is now two years since Manasvini, a student in Year 8 passed away suddenly and  unexpectedly on 26th March 2019.  To mark this day, a message from Mr Stride was read out to students in her year group,

"As some of you will be aware, today's marks the two-year anniversary of the tragic passing of Manasvini Kaushik, a wonderful young lady who brightened up the room and made so many people smile. Some of you would have been in her form and known her well, some of you would have been her friends. Others of you may not have known her so well or not at all. Today we are going to spend a few minutes remembering her and at some point during the day, you may wish to visit her memorial garden outside Cedars or her bench on the front lawn.  

Additionally, this year has been hard for us all, with many of us coming to terms with the passing of family members or friends. We will all feel different emotions about this at different times and there is no right way to grieve. Sometimes we will be overwhelmed with sadness at their passing, other times we will smile with memories of them.

I'm going to read a poem called "As One" by Samantha Hann. We are going to spend a minute in silence reflecting on what's been said."

In Loving Memory of Manasvini Kaushik