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World Book Day Events 2022

Once again here at Kendrick we had a fabulous week celebrating World Book Day – the 25th anniversary of the event.

This year we held a Book Sale on Wednesday, selling books for the Reading branch of the Federation of Children’s Book Groups. It was so successful; we didn’t even get the chance to take a photograph of the busy event! We were sold out before the end of break and raised just over £100.00 for the local charity.

Throughout the week we ran a fun competition where the students had to guess the staff member COVERed by a book or figure out who was reading a short extract from a book with bonus points for recognising the title. The students that took part thoroughly enjoyed the activity. We are pleased to announce the overall winner as Amelia in Year 11. We hope she enjoys her ‘bookish’ prize!


On Friday we had the pleasure of judging the book-themed Decorated Door Competition where forms were invited to decorate their classroom door. The standard was high, and the room doors were beautiful to see as we walked around the school. Highly commended were those who took the time to come up with a theme, presented it well and showed the effort they went to with the details. 7HB were our winners this year with their ‘Wizard of Oz’ themed door. Well done 😊 

The final initiative for this year’s World Book Day is a Readathon for Key Stage 3 students. The students are being asked to read during the month of March and gain sponsorship for doing so. This fabulous charity’s mission is to improve the outcomes for all children in the UK by encouraging and enabling children to develop a love of reading. Read for Good uses the money they raise to provide new and exciting books for seriously ill children in hospitals. Their books are brought to the children’s bedsides on a mobile bookcase and read to them by a storyteller. This service supports seriously ill children’s disrupted learning, and gives them and their families precious distraction and comfort at a time when it’s needed the most. The Royal Berkshire Hospital is a part of this scheme, so it would be really nice if some money raised, helped children in our local hospital. We look forward to seeing how Key Stage 3 take on the challenge.