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A Level Presentation Evening

On Monday we had a super evening with our Year 13 students from last year who came back to receive their A Level certificates and awards. This event is always such a pleasant one, as we meet with our students, who are now a few months on from leaving school and beginning the next stage of their journey through life. As always former students are invited to present the certificates to the students and this year our speaker was Jane Cox, who left Kendrick 19 years ago. In what has become the tradition of speakers, she gave the students some advice that she said she would have given her 18 year old self:

  1. Be brave and don’t be afraid to try things: don’t be afraid if things don’t work out, keep trying 
  2. The more you put in, the more you get out: whatever you do in life, usually the effort you put in determines what you get out of it.
  3. Focus on the positives in life: be grateful for them and share the positive thoughts you have with people around you. 

We would like to thank the people that kindly sponsored an award.  The full programme including a list of awards can be found below.