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Attendance at Kendrick School is excellent. The school encourages full attendance at all times. In line with government and Local Authority (LA) expectations, absence for reasons other than illness is strongly discouraged. The school promotes and acknowledges good attendance.  All requests for absence must be made in writing to the Headteacher. 

Reporting a Student Absence

Via School Gateway

  • Click Notify in the top right of the Attendance screen
  • Type your message, including the date of the absence and explanation
  • Click Send in the top right of the screen
  • School Gateway will update once your school confirms your notification and updates the system

Via Email 

If you cannot use the School Gateway App, please email 

Please report an absence before 9am.

If your child is absent from school, and we have not been informed, we will send a message via School Gateway.   We will ask you to contact the school to give the reason for their absence.  If we do not receive a response by the end of the school day, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised.

Planned Medical Appointments

If your child needs to miss school for a medical appointment, please send a message via School Gateway, giving as much notice as you can. These absences will always be authorised.  Please note that students must be collected from school by a responsible adult for appointments that take place during school hours.

Participating in Drama, Music, Sport, events

We are happy to support students participating in drama, music, sport etc. out of school and if your child needs time off for any of these reasons please email in advance, explaining the reasons, for the Headteacher to consider.

Holiday in Term Time

We actively discourage term time holidays; however, if you think you need to take your child out of school, please email with the reasons. This will be passed to Ms Kattirtzi, Headteacher for consideration, and you will receive a reply via email.   Unless there are exceptional extenuating circumstances, time taken off in term time will be recorded on your child’s attendance record as unauthorised and the Attendance Support Officer (ASO) at Brighter Futures for Children will be informed.  You may be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice as outlined in the attached information.  Please see the Term Dates on our website before booking your holiday.

Please do not contact Form Tutors, Heads of Year or individual staff members about absences of any description.

To enable us to use this system efficiently and effectively, it is important that email addresses and mobile numbers are kept to up to date. You can do this by emailing or updating your changes through School Gateway.