Weekly Letter from the Headteacher

Friday 19th July 2024


School has finished for another academic year. At our whole school assembly yesterday afternoon we heard reports from our Kendrick Student Leaders about activities and events that have taken place over the last few months. We listened to some music and poetry and said thanks and goodbye to leaving staff. I believe it is important for everyone in our community to feel and hear that their role in our school is important and valued and so our assembly was a combination of celebration and joy, as well some sadness about things that will change and staff and students who will not be here next year.  We acknowledged the many activities that have taken place in school even in this last week of term: Talent Show, Sixth Form Show, Sports Day. Throughout the assembly students sat attentively and diligently appreciating and respecting the reports and messages they heard. Thank you to everyone for creating a school where this kind of gathering is still possible and appreciated.

A number of staff are leaving Kendrick this year and they are: Mrs Mohamed, Biology Technician; Mr Calcutt-John, MFL Teacher; Miss Murphy, Geography Teacher; Mr Bannerman-Marlow, Caretaker; Mrs Keigher, Art/Technology Technician; Frau Maendler, MFL/Classic Teacher; Miss Cundy, Literacy Assistant; Miss Akcay, English Teacher; Mrs Mayers, Maths Teacher; Mrs Cavaciuti, Librarian; Ms Fieldsend, English Teacher; Mrs Cook, Food Teacher; Mrs Sammons, Business/Economics/Geography Teacher; Mr Hill, Assistant Headteacher and Physics Teacher. We wish them well and thank them for their service and contribution to Kendrick during the time they have worked with us. At the assembly yesterday, Kendrick Student Leaders spoke about each of these staff and gave an appropriate tribute to them in terms of their time and impact on Kendrick.

 On the website this week there are the following articles, please take time to read them.

 To finish, I would like to go back to the assembly we had yesterday when in my closing remarks, I asked students to reflect on the year they have had and consider how it has been and to think about next year and what will be different and or better. These reflections are important and should be encouraged and discussed. I would also urge parents to consider and reflect on the year and how they feel it has been for their child. All parents and students received reports this year and these should be causes of celebration, but there is also room for reflection and consideration about what could be better in the future. We all agree that academic ability and brilliance are not all that matters in life and it is certainly not what Kendrick is all about. The kind of person someone is and wishes to be is equally important. We at school want our students to be happy and confident individuals, optimistic about their future, equipped and able to take their place in society and know their purpose and worth. This is what we work towards for all our students at Kendrick.

We ended yesterday’s assembly with a poem that was the Foreward to this year’s Poetry Anthology, entitled Cycles. This is such an appropriate theme on which to finish our year, as well as look forward to the next. Our school year is very much a cycle of time with a beginning and an end, when we can reflect and refresh and start again. We are at such a point now and Usmi’s poem, which she read in assembly so beautifully, sums that up and as such is a fitting end to this week and this year’s Weekly Update.


And so the cycle starts,

as the moon, caressed by cerulean ripples

retreats to nestle back by its hearth between the stars,

as first love's blush turns to wilted petals on hardwood floor,

as the baneful tremor of falling into grief's embrace,

ends in an ivory carpet walk that stretches out to meet a glorious sunrise,

as words splatter on paper in patterns of unequivocal artistry,

that draws crystals from irises and melodies from hearts,

all until it fades into that grey chasm of bleak solidarity, forgotten miracles,

when endings invite the strange twinge of familiarity to one's lips,

it is when the cycle starts,


My sincere thanks to everyone: students, staff, parents, KPS, Trustees for your encouragement and support of Kendrick School this year.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy summer holiday.

Ms Christine Kattirtzi

For the Weekly Update in full please click here