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Home School Agreement

At every opportunity we stress the importance we place on the relationship between the School and the home and we do a great deal to strengthen and develop this relationship.  We would like parents, carers and students to support this compact.  A successful school is based on all partners working together and supporting our common aims.

What should parents/carers and students expect of the school?

  • Every student has, at all times and in all situations, a right to feel safe and protected from any situation or practice that results in a student being physically or psychologically damaged, and all staff play an integral part in the student safeguarding process;
  • Students are well taught, well cared for and treated  fairly;
  • Each student is entitled to a progress report, covering all aspects of their work and activities;
  • Parents/carers are given early warning by tutors of any difficulties or problems with a student’s work, relationships or behaviour;
  • The school’s behaviour policy is clearly expressed and visible;
  • Clear information is provided about the school’s organisation, facilities and ways of communicating with parents/carers and others on a weekly and termly basis and through the newsletter;
  • Parents/carers and other members of the community have opportunities to learn about the curriculum and teaching methods;
  • Parents/carers are offered and are invited to respond to regular information on their child’s progress;
  • Parents/carers are entitled to regular access to teachers at known times and, if they wish, to the student’s internal school file;
  • At the beginning of the year parents will receive information about their child’s homework and timetable and events for the year ahead;
  • Prompt action is taken in cases of a student’s misconduct or unauthorised absence;
  • Attendance is monitored daily and any unexplained absences will be communicated to parents/carers.

What should school and students expect of parents/carers?

  • Treat staff and students with courtesy and respect. This means in written form (including email correspondence) as well as in person.
  • Support and encourage their child in their efforts and achievements and encourage them to work hard and develop independent learning skills at home and school;
  • Help to complement at home the in-school programme of work by encouraging positive attitudes towards school;
  • Support and encouragement to ensure that homework is completed in a suitable environment and handed in promptly;
  • Attend parents’ meetings and information evenings and read the weekly update to ensure they are aware of what is happening in school during the week ahead;
  • Make early contact with the school on any matters which might affect a student’s learning progress, welfare or behaviour, including any medical conditions;
  • Keep the school informed about where they may be contacted in an emergency and any change of contact details including home address;
  • Parents should ensure that all holidays are booked during the school holidays and not during term time. Unless there are exceptional extenuating circumstances time taken off in term time will be marked as unauthorised absence;
  • Parents should notify the school promptly if their child is going to be absent;
  • Parents to look at and sign homework diaries regularly (at least weekly);
  • Support and be involved in school events wherever possible;
  • Help their child to attend regularly and be punctual, and have with them the equipment they need;
  • Support the school’s set of values, code of conduct and rules and policies;
  • Ensure that their child has a healthy balance of school life, social life and relaxation;
  • Ensure that their child wears the correct school uniform and abides by the dress code in the Sixth Form
  • Ensure their child is aware that they are a Kendrick School ambassador when travelling to and from school. 

What should the school and parents expect of students?

  • Work hard at all times, have a positive attitude to learning and show pride in their work;
  • Complete their homework and hand it in promptly;
  • Balance social life, relaxation and school work and live a healthy lifestyle;
  • To use their initiative and take responsibility for their own learning whenever possible;
  • Let a member of staff know if there is anything that is worrying them;
  • Be a Kendrick School ambassador when travelling to and from school;
  • Respect people and other people’s possessions;
  • Take good care of their own possessions;
  • Respect the school grounds and buildings and help to keep the school free from litter and graffiti;
  • To participate in extra-curricular activities provided by the school including House events;
  • Find opportunities to help support the school through school community;
  • Attend regularly and be punctual;
  • Good behaviour at all times.