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Sixth Form Life

Voluntary Work, Work Experience, Prefect System and Physical Education

All students will volunteer to help in some capacity in school life and may use their time to assist departments as part of the Prefect system, depending on the demands of their chosen voluntary work.  Many Sixth Form students are mentors to younger students in the school. They will also have the opportunity to take part in weekly physical education or do additional personal physical recreation activities or assist with activities with younger students. Most students want to take part in voluntary work in the local community which is arranged outside of school hours.

We encourage all students to give back to the school and the local and global communities as a demonstration of practical citizenship, and an additional benefit is that this can be mentioned in their Personal Statement or reference for UCAS.  Some university courses, such as Medicine or Veterinary Science, would expect to see relevant work experience, such as helping in a care home.  More details about the requirements of voluntary work for certain courses can be obtained from a member of the Sixth Form Team.

Students in the Sixth Form are encouraged to investigate work experience opportunities for themselves. The Work Related Learning co-ordinator also informs Sixth Form students of offers of work experience placements which are advertised and offered by our valued network of supporting businesses and contacts.

Kendrick Student Leaders

The Kendrick Student Leadership Team (KSLT) includes the Student Leaders and House Captains. These students undertake specific roles working with younger students in the school, organising and supporting inter year and inter House events in school. The Kendrick Student Leaders have an important role in representing the school at both in school and out of school events. They are excellent Ambassadors for the school.

House System

The three Houses at Kendrick are: Cedars, Palmer, and Sidmouth named after the buildings and benefactors of the school and Reading.  There are an ever-increasing number of House events that take place over the year, these include: House Music, House Drama, House Sport, and House Quizzes. These events encourage students to integrate and work with other students from across the different year groups.

Clubs and Societies

There is a rich and varied programme of clubs and societies, often run by Sixth Form students. There is also an opportunity to set up any activity or club that is not currently available.

Musical Activities

Kendrick has a thriving music department with opportunities to learn a wide range of musical instruments.  The department offer numerous choirs, ensembles and groups, which are well supported by Sixth Form students. There are regular concerts, including some organised by Sixth Formers. Kendrick is a centre for the Associated Board examinations in Music.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

At Kendrick School we are committed to promoting positive mental health and emotional wellbeing to all students, their families and members of staff and trustees (our school community). Our ethos and culture allow students’ voices to be heard, and using effective policies and procedures, we ensure a safe and supportive environment for all affected - both directly and indirectly - by mental health issues.

Our Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy aims are to:

  • Promote positive mental health and emotional wellbeing to our school community.
  • Increase understanding and awareness of common mental health issues.
  • Enable staff to identify and respond to early warning signs of mental ill health in students.
  • Enable staff to understand how and when to access support when working with young people with mental health issues. Provide the right support to students with mental health issues and know where to signpost them and their parents/carers for specific support.
  • Develop resilience amongst students and raise awareness of resilience-building techniques.
  • Raise awareness amongst staff and gain recognition from SLT that staff may have mental health issues, and that they are supported in relation to looking after their wellbeing; instilling a culture of staff and student welfare where everyone is aware of signs and symptoms with effective signposting, underpinned by behaviour and welfare around school.

To read the Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Policy in full, please click here. The student wellbeing page on the website can be accessed here.

We want everyone in the Sixth Form to be comfortable, happy and able to enjoy their A-level courses from day one.

However sometimes there are difficulties along the way. The Sixth Form Team is here to listen to any feelings you have about settling in, friendships, expectations, the future, work – whatever it is, we can listen and put support in place for you. That may be a regular check-in to make sure things are improving for you, or a session on exam anxiety, or how to get more organised. The main thing is for you not to feel alone or that your worry is too small to bother with and staff are available every day in the Sixth Form Office and contactable by email or by visiting them in the Sixth Form Office.xth Form handbook