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Dress Code

Students in the Sixth Form dress in a manner that best represents the nature of education at Kendrick School. Students display pride in their attire; are smart, presentable and avoid extremes of dress, make up or hairstyle.

Top half

· Tops must cover the shoulders and stomach and not be revealing or low-cut

· Spaghetti straps are not acceptable

· No offensive language or logos

Bottom half

· Skirts or shorts must be of a decent length (must cover at least two thirds of the upper leg, from hip to knee) and suitable for wear in school (not too tight)

· Trousers/leggings should be suitable for wear in school (ripped/scruffy/revealing items should be avoided)

Dresses should be of a suitable length as detailed above and fit the above criteria.


· Smart pumps, trainers and boots are all acceptable

· Heeled shoes should not be more than three inches and should be suitable for wear in school. Stilettos are not acceptable.

· Flip flops are not acceptable but smart sandals are permitted in summer, as long as they have a strap at the back to hold them securely on the foot. For science and practical lessons, toes must be covered for health and safety reasons.


· Jewellery, including facial piercings, should be discrete and acceptable for the workplace

· Hairstyles extreme in colour or fashion should be avoided

· Hats can be worn to and from school, but should be removed during the school day

· Religious items can be worn within reason. The wearing of the headscarf or hijab is acceptable but the wearing of the niqab is not acceptable

Students taking particular subjects, such as science, should be sympathetic to the nature of their lessons and dress accordingly. For science, students are expected to provide their own lab coat and goggles.

If students have any doubt as to the suitability of their attire, they should check with a member of the Sixth Form Team.

Enforcement of the Policy

It is the responsibility of the Headteacher and staff to monitor and enforce the uniform and dress code as part of the day to day running of the school. Parents/carers have the responsibility to ensure that their daughter comes to school in the correct uniform and suitable clothing.

Sixth Form students are also expected to take responsibility for their own attire and are expected to consider the suitability of their attire carefully each day. Sixth Form Students are expected to be proactive in reminding their friends of the dress code where necessary.

· Any member of staff recognising a breach of the dress code should address this directly with the student.

· The Form Tutor should deal with any minor breach of the uniform policy. A message could be sent home via a note in the student’s homework diary or by email.

· Subsequently the student will be referred to the Key Stage Lead.

· If correct uniform or the Sixth Form dress code is repeatedly breached, the Key Stage Lead will contact parents/carers to discuss the concern.

· If this does not produce the desired result, the Key Stage Lead will phone the parents/ carers and students to attempt to resolve the issue.

· Finally, the student will be sent to a member of the Senior Leadership Team who will, if necessary, send the student home to change.

In the case of jewellery and other accessories which infringe the policy, a member of staff may ask the student to remove the item. It will be taken to the General Office and may be collected at the end of the school day.

The Headteacher and Head of Sixth Form are the final arbiters in all matters of uniform and dress.