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Work Experience

Work Experience takes place in Term 6 of Year 10 and Year 12. (For specific dates please refer to the School Calendar here.) This is in accordance with fulfilling Gatsby Benchmark 6 "Experiences of Workplaces". Using the services of the ‘Learning to Work’ charity*, students have the valuable opportunity to spend a week in a work placement. This is relevant learning, where our students learn to act in a professional manner in the work place, taking on new and unfamiliar tasks, working alongside people they only know in a professional capacity. The placements are sought to closely meet the aspirations of our students and the feedback from this activity is overwhelmingly positive.

Students in the Sixth Form are encouraged to investigate additional work experience opportunities for themselves. 

* Learning to Work is a local charity working for the benefit of local young people, schools, colleges and businesses. Learning to Work creates high impact activities with local employers to inspire young people, educate them about opportunities and give them the skills they need to be successful.