Consultation Response
The Kendrick School Governors and Senior Leadership Team (SLT) thank the respondents to the Kendrick School Expansion Programme consultation launched on 7th June 2018.
The proposal is to expand from three forms of entry per year (96 students) to four forms of entry per year (128 students) from September 2020.
Consultation was carried out as follows:
Who | How |
Kendrick School parents/carers | |
Kendrick School staff | |
Kendrick School Governors | |
General Publc |
On website |
Primary Schools in the area | |
Secondary Schools in the area | |
LA’s School Admission Teams
Paul Wagstaff, Head of Education at RBC | |
Ashley Pearce, Local Counsellor for Education | |
Local MPs
Responses to Consultation
Responses Received:
Method | Number of Responses |
Summary of Response |
Online Form Emails and Letters |
102 responses to online form
Consultation meeting on 21st June 2018 | 22 attendees (including 9 Governors) | Please see below |
The following summarises the comments and feedback received.
Type of comments in favour of Kendrick expansion
- Full Support
- Full support if the places were allocated to Reading students including disadvantaged and PPG.
- Full support as increased numbers would address the gender inequality in grammar school places that exists between boys and girls in Reading
- Support if admissions arrangements were addressed
- Full support but do not want to see entrance criteria changed
- Full support – addresses local needs for school places
- Full support and may help Kendrick expand on subject choices
- Fully support as Kendrick School needs more space
- Full support but concerned about daughter’s education and health whilst building works are going on
- Full support as would benefit local girls from disadvantaged background
- Full support as would help the school’s viability
Comments against expansion Kendrick expansion
- No support: Kendrick and all grammar schools should end selection
Concerns raised
- Changes to the designated area required – request for the school to serve the local community
- Common space in school such as library, canteen and toilets
- Building works and safety around school site
- Impact on school community
- Ability to bring in more Pupil Premium and disadvantaged students
Consultation Conclusion
There were no new or significant strategies, evidence or comments highlighted or raised that the governors and SLT had not previously considered prior to the launch of the consultation.
Therefore, having carefully reflected and considered the comments and feedback made by all stakeholders, the Kendrick School Governors and Senior Leadership Team are satisfied that the proposal to expand the school should be pursued.
However, in consideration and response to the feedback from the consultation, the following was proposed in Kendrick School’s Selective Schools Expansion Fund application:
- The first 96 (75%) students will be admitted under the same criteria as currently used but the designated area will undergo a review as part of the admission policy consultation for 2020 entry.
- The additional 32 (25%) students will be admitted from the local (Reading) area as first priority.
- Action plan and ongoing programme is put in place to increase the number of PP students and raise aspirations in primary schools.
There will be a 6 week consultation period for Kendrick School’s Admission Policy for entry into Year 7 in 2020 which will end no later than 31st January 2019.