Widening Horizons
Kendrick School has been awarded the Sutton Trust Fair School Admissions Award at Gold level. The top Gold level is awarded to schools who have made significant changes to their admissions policies to ensure that there is fair access to all pupils regardless of socio-economic background. Kendrick was recognised for the multiple systems we have in place to support access for children eligible for pupil premium funding within our Widening Horizons project.
Aims of the Project
- Work with local primary schools to raise aspirations of local children
- Raise awareness of Kendrick School
- Provide a free test familiarisation programme for Year 5 pupil premium students (whose permanent address is within our designated area) who have applied to take the entrance test and provide support to their parents/carers with the entrance test application process as follows:
- A score of 5 points lower than the qualifying score will be applied for pupil premium or service premium students and Looked After Children and Children in Care, whose permanent home address is within Priority Area 1 and Priority Area 2 of the designated area.
- Our Admission policy prioritises pupil premium students which means that all pupil premium students which achieve this lower qualifying score and live within our Priority Area (1 and 2) and put Kendrick School as first choice on their Local Authority secondary school application form will be offered a place at Kendrick School.
- All pupil premium students which apply to sit the Admission test for 2025 entry, and reside within our designated areas, will be offered free familiarisation program for the Admission test in the summer and start of the autumn term 2024 which will also help their current school work. This will include free online after school sessions and free access to an online package.
- A session in the summer holiday focussed on familiarising the students with the admission test process and test day.
For more information on the event or the Widening Horizons Project, please email admissions@kendrick.reading.sch.uk. Permission will be sought to approach your primary school to confirm eligibility.
Widening Horizons Programme 2024-25
Information Evening
Our Information Evening took place on Tuesday 26th November 2024.
If you would like more information on Widening Horizons, please email Mrs Nicholson at GNicholson@kendrick.reading.sch.uk
Inspire Club – Tuesdays in Term Time, 4pm to 5pm FOR YEARS 4 & 5 STUDENTS
Our virtual Inspire Club for Year 3, 4 and 5 students will resume in January 2025 on a Tuesday between 4pm to 5pm.
The aims of the Inspire Club is to support the student’s learning in a fun and interactive way with our upper school students but also to familiarise them with Kendrick School. The main focus will be on maths and English, however, there will be weeks when they will experience other subjects such as science, music, art or drama.
To take part your child will need access to a device (phone, iPad, laptop, PC) with audio and a camera. If you have problems or concerns with accessing us remotely, please do get in touch with us to let us know.
We have had some lovely feedback from participants and their parents/carers such as:
My daughter is enjoying the sessions and she really likes her Sixth Form helper. She is very personable, patient and is a wonderful teacher in the one-to-one sessions. She really is a great ambassador for Kendrick.
Thank you for all the support. My daughter is enjoying the Inspire Club and looking forward to it every week. We appreciate the effort and guidance, especially in these tough times. She is getting more confident as she gains extra knowledge. She feels inspired working with the Kendrick student helpers.
To register your interest please email admissions@kendrick.reading.sch.uk. Please note that these sessions are only for girls in receipt of pupil premium or a child in care or previously in care whose home address is within our designated area. We will need to check eligibility when you register so please give authorisation to do this in your email.
Kendrick School is now able to offer students who are eligible for pupil premium funding, a free online package from Atom Learning, one of the leading online Key Stage 2 (KS2) learning and exam preparation platforms.
This free programme is designed to help children familiarise themselves with the type of questions they may see on the admissions test and build exam technique and confidence. They'll be able to access KS2 and admission test practice questions, learning resources, and practice papers through their Atom Home account.
If your child has been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years, please fill in the form by clicking the button below. They will be given free access to Atom Home when their Pupil Premium status has been verified by their primary school.
"My daughter thoroughly enjoyed joining the Tuesday Inspire Club remotely. Your sixth form students are a credit to the school’
"I would just like to praise the sixth form student for the remote session she did with my daughter yesterday. She was absolutely brilliant, supportive and explained the questions beautifully”