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Cultural Trip to Berlin

This trip is offered to those taking German at A Level and takes place in Term 3. Primarily it aims at enabling the students to investigate in greater depth many of the key topics we explore throughout the Sixth Form, such as the Third Reich, the Cold War and the Holocaust, as well as discovering Berlin itself first hand which is a key topic on the new syllabus. In addition, there will be an abundance of opportunities for the students to develop their speaking skills. They will be required to engage with local Berliners in the essential matters of booking tickets, checking into hotels, ordering and paying for food and arranging the programme for our five day stay, plus in many more routine situations. It always proves to be a culturally enriching experience for the students and at the same time an opportunity to enhance their linguistic competence.

"At the beginning of February fourteen A-Level German students and two teachers landed in Berlin ready for five days of intense German speaking and sightseeing. As soon as we landed, we were sent, in turns, to buy tickets and food, and ask for information in German. Gradually, the Berliners stopped replying to our nervous German with automatic English and spoke back to us in German, and gradually we grew more confident in using the language for practical purposes. In between, we spent as much time as we could soaking up the culture and history of this unbelievable city….. We saw so much more besides this, as well as improving our German and History knowledge, and it’s safe to say that everyone was considerably more educated but exhausted by the time we landed in London on Monday night.”  (Lydia Rudman – former Kendrick student).