Latest News

October 2021

  • 21/10/21

    Debate Club

    This year, we started a Debate Club for the Lower School, at Monday lunchtimes, and we’re really happy with how it’s gone so far, as the progress everyone has made is very evident.
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  • 20/10/21


    Last week, Year 10-13 spent their PSHCE lesson watching a drama performance called “Unacceptable” by the theatre company, AlterEgo. The performance highlighted issues of sexism, sexual harassment, and sexual violence, and particularly pushed the importance of reacting to casual sexism to...
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  • 19/10/21

    Student Anthology for COP26

    “We are the spark, that will light the fire that will burn so bright that they’ll stop and listen. ” A student anthology competition was launched, based on the theme, ‘Words and Pictures for your World’ to encourage young people to voice their opinions...
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  • 01/10/21

    Year 7 House Chess 2021

    We had our very first live house event of the school year on Wednesday: Year 7 House Chess. 52 enthusiastic Year 7 students attended and played matches between different houses, and all received house points for participation. The winning house was…. Sidmouth with 10 wins and 4 points from dr...
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October 2021