Latest News

April 2021

  • 30/04/21

    Palmer Wins House Cup 2020-21

    Last year, I wrote about the House year being like no other and how I hoped a return to normality would mean we could put on more house events this year. I did not think then that this year would be more affected than the last.
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  • 23/04/21

    World Book Day 2021 Celebrations

    This year we celebrated World Book Day a little later than usual due to the COVID-19 national lockdown. We held two competitions where students were asked to submit a ‘bookish limerick’ or a photograph of themselves reading in an unusual place. We had a fantastic response to both comp...
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  • 22/04/21

    Inter-House Reading Competition Results

    We were very impressed with the number of students that took part in our first Inter- House Reading Competition this year. Collectively, over a thousand books were read! Well done to all those who took part and a huge thank you to the House Captains and Vice House Captains who collated the...
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April 2021