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July 2020

  • 17/07/20

    Sports Day 2020

    On Monday 13th July, we celebrated our first ever virtual sports day.  The day began with a live stream of a workout led by Ms Watkins,  Mrs Lace and some staff on the front lawn.  They were joined by other members of staff and students who tuned in remotely.  After a g...
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  • 17/07/20

    Pebbles For Pride

    In order to celebrate Pride month the KSLT proposed the project, ‘Pebbles for Pride’, which consisted of each person finding a stone or pebble, painting a design on said pebble, with the theme of Pride in mind, and placing this out in the wilderness! We intended for this to be both...
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  • 16/07/20

    Statue Challenge Entries

    A few weeks ago, students were invited to consider why statues should be put up in the first place.  The scene was, Kendrick had five empty plinths to put statues of people from history.  The challenge was to choose five individuals and to write up to 500 words to justify their choice...
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  • 16/07/20

    Kendrick School Named Best State-Funded Secondary School in Reading and Berkshire

    Kendrick School is very proud to have been named the best state-funded secondary school in Reading and Berkshire in this year's Real Schools Guide. The Real Schools Guide 2020, compiled by Reach's data unit, has been released and it ranks schools on a range of different measures, to show...
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  • 16/07/20

    Final Online Performer Series of 2020

    Welcome to the final of our Online Performer Series concerts for 2020.  Our students and staff have outdone themselves in these performances and we even have a special young guest, part of our extended Kendrick community, in our final item, so do watch until the end.
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  • 02/07/20

    Reflections on the Kendrick Pledge

    After the tragic death of George Floyd, students in Years 8 and 9 were asked to reflect on the Kendrick Pledge by creating an A5 poster to be stuck in the front of their PSHCE books as a constant reminder of our pledge.
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July 2020