Latest News

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  • 22/06/21

    Year 8 Bushcraft Residential Trip

    Bushcraft was a very good experience in many ways, we learnt new skills that will benefit us in the future; learnt how to survive in the wild; how to deal with bugs; but most importantly, we met new people, had fun, and enjoyed being outside, admiring nature we are so l...
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  • 15/06/21

    Year 7 Wilderness Activity Day

    The Wilderness Personal Development activity day was a really fun event that I very much enjoyed. As well as being nice because it was a break from normal lessons, everyone learnt a lot more about themselves, as well as other people. 
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  • 15/06/21

    The Wheelie Challenge

    On Tuesday the 18th May, all the Year 7s went head to head in the annual Wheelie Challenge, to design a board to pitch their business ideas. Here’s the catch: you had to involve up to six wheels in your business idea.  Whilst some of us used double-decker buses, others cam...
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  • 15/06/21

    The Egg Challenge

    In the last week before half-term, Year 9 had the opportunity to try new challenges to help improve team building and team work within the year group. We worked with the Wilderness Group, a workshop in which we got to put our leadership, problem-solving skills and teamwork to the test...
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  • 15/06/21

    Year 9 Wilderness Day

    During Activities Week at the end of last term, we had the opportunity to take part in some wilderness team building activities. These were based around the voyage of the explorer Ernest Shackleton, who led a team of men to the Antarctic. His experience was a great example to us of important leaders...
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  • 21/05/21

    Poetry Masterclass by Kate Clanchy

    On Tuesday, the Poets’ Society were delighted to meet poet Kate Clanchy (via a Zoom call projected onto the whiteboard!) in a poetry masterclass to inspire us into getting thoughts onto paper and writing poetry. Kate Clanchy has written poetry, short stories, articles, books on teaching...
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  • 12/05/21

    Literary Celebrations

    Across this academic year, the English Department are celebrating significant literary figures with activities and competitions related to their lives and works. At the end of last term, we marked Jane Austen’s birthday, and students were invited to write creatively using Austen’s famous...
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  • 04/05/21

    Angela Strach's Family's Story

    On Holocaust Memorial Day we remember all those who died during the Holocaust and other genocides.  This year, Angela Strach who used to be the Head of Drama at Kendrick school, was invited to speak about her family's experiences of the Holocaust.  She has created and shared...
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  • 30/04/21

    Palmer Wins House Cup 2020-21

    Last year, I wrote about the House year being like no other and how I hoped a return to normality would mean we could put on more house events this year. I did not think then that this year would be more affected than the last.
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  • 23/04/21

    World Book Day 2021 Celebrations

    This year we celebrated World Book Day a little later than usual due to the COVID-19 national lockdown. We held two competitions where students were asked to submit a ‘bookish limerick’ or a photograph of themselves reading in an unusual place. We had a fantastic response to both comp...
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  • 22/04/21

    Inter-House Reading Competition Results

    We were very impressed with the number of students that took part in our first Inter- House Reading Competition this year. Collectively, over a thousand books were read! Well done to all those who took part and a huge thank you to the House Captains and Vice House Captains who collated the...
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  • 26/03/21

    A Tribute To Manasvini

    It is now two years since Manasvini, a student in Year 8 passed away suddenly and  unexpectedly on 26th March 2019.  To mark this day, a message from Mr Stride was read out to students in her year group,
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