Latest News

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  • 02/12/20

    Inter-House Reading Competition

    Here is a wonderful opportunity for you to support your House & gain loads of valuable House Points! Are the Sidmouth Squids the best readers? Or will the Palmer Llamas win this one? Can the Cedar Seals top the score board? YOU could make the difference!
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  • 27/11/20

    Shakespeare Schools Festival

    On Friday 20th November, a group of 84 students from across years 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 came together to perform a COVID safe version of 'As You Like It' as part of the Shakespeare Schools Festival 2020.  We'd been working on the play for 3 months, working with five d...
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  • 24/11/20

    100-Word Story Competition - Trapped

    Could you tell a well-crafted story, with a beginning, middle and end, entitled ‘Trapped’ in just 100 words? This was the challenge taken up enthusiastically by the large number of students who entered this competition.  They gave the judges an extremely difficult but extremely enjo...
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  • 20/11/20

    Year 7 Diwali Celebration At Kendrick

    As our Year 7s have just completed their introductory module to learn about Hinduism in their Religious Studies lesson, 7SG requested permission to take an active part in and to enjoy the celebrations of Diwali/Divali.
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  • 19/11/20

    Year 7 Craft Club

    Y7 Craft Club began just after half term, with the aims being to enjoy crafting together and to learn some new skills.  Some students have been learning to knit, with the usual tangles and knots along the way, but with much persistence and great fun.  Other students have been working on th...
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  • 18/11/20

    Years 9 and 10 House Chess

    Last week students from years 9 and 10 had the opportunity to participate in House Chess! Students of all chess abilities joined in, and a lot of fun was had by all. Everyone who participated received points for their house, with winners receiving even more points. The points have now been totalled...
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  • 18/11/20

    House Colouring Event

    Over the half term holiday we ran a House Colouring event, to promote relaxation. Students could colour in outlines of famous female Physicists. We had a whopping 57 entries, with entrants in every year group and including staff.
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  • 06/11/20

    Remembrance Day

    Next week on Wednesday Kendrick School will commemorate Remembrance Day with tutor activities and a minute’s silence in morning registration. The Library has also put up two excellent displays in the vestibule about The Poppy and Anna Guerin, the originator of the Remembrance Day Poppy.
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  • 06/11/20

    Operation Christmas Child

    A simple shoebox gift packed with love can have a huge impact!  Operation Christmas Child brings great joy to children around the world. This week Frankie in Year 11 and School Council organised a Christmas shoe box appeal for Operation Christmas Child and the outcome of this...
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  • 23/10/20

    Upper School and Sixth Form Chamber Concert

    This term has been like no other in the Music Department, but our students have continued to excel and create exceptional music, both individually and with others in their bubbles. Our GCSE students have taken on a new challenge this year by organising, leading, hosting and editing together a virtua...
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  • 21/10/20

    House Cup 2019 - 2020

    A few weeks ago, House Leaders met with House Captains to count last year’s tokens and add them to the final scores. I am delighted to announce that Sidmouth were the winners in what was an extremely close fought contest. The final scores were as follows: Sidmouth - 3559 Palmer - 35...
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  • 20/10/20

    Team Cascade Wins the School's Aerospace Challenge 2020

    On Wednesday, 8th October, Team Cascade presented their winning project to other students in school, so they could see the journey that Mridhula, Arzina and Ananya had made in lockdown, from deciding to enter the Schools’s Aerospace Challenge 2020, to researching and submitting their project...
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