Latest News

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  • 18/03/20

    Partial Closure of School to Years 7,8 & 9

    I have made the decision today, due to staff absence increasing on a daily basis, to close the school to students in Years 7, 8 and 9 from tomorrow, Thursday 19th March 2020, for the rest of this term.
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  • 12/03/20

    House Drama Competition

    Such joy and pleasure on Thursday evening at the House Drama competition where once again we were treated to three superb yet different plays by Sidmouth, Palmer and Cedars. On the theme of Temptation; the snake beguiled me and I did eat, we watched Simouth’s psychological drama, Palmer...
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  • 10/03/20

    World Book Day 2020 at Kendrick Library

    As always, World Book Day was eagerly anticipated and well supported here at Kendrick. Every student was presented with a World Book Day Book Token which entitles them to free small book or £1 off a book of their choice.
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  • 06/03/20

    Winning Sociology Essay

    Recently, I entered an essay competition run by the British Sociology Association, with the question being: 'How can sociology contribute to our understanding of Brexit?'.  And... I WON!!! In light of this, I will be rewarded with an Ipad Mini and £500 to be given to the school.
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  • 06/03/20

    Year 13 'Mrs Dalloway' Seminar

    This Thursday, Year 13 English students attended a revision seminar delivered by Dr Neil Cocks of Reading University, on the great novel Mrs Dalloway, by Virginia Woolf, which is one of the A Level set texts.  
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  • 04/03/20

    Badminton Team wins Silver

    On Thursday 27th February, 9 students went to Guildford to compete in the Regional Badminton tournament.
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  • 28/02/20

    Lesley Urbach's Visit

    On Wednesday 26th February 2020, Kendrick School welcomed Lesley Urbach, who gave a poignant talk about her family's experiences during the Holocaust.  Whilst her mother and aunt were able to escape Germany, her grandparents were unfortunately sent to Auschwitz in February 1943, after sever...
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  • 28/02/20

    First Lego League England and Wales Final

    A huge congratulation to the team from Robot Club (Ishika, Jess, Shruthi, Bidisha, Nikitha, Pihu, Emily, Tisha, Shriya, Samragee, Eva, Aditi and Jasmine) who competed in the National Finals of First Lego League in Bristol. We won the prestigious ‘1st Place Champions Award’ for...
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  • 28/02/20

    Rome and Naples Trip 2020

    Over the course of 5 days in the half term, 40 students were given the incredible opportunity to explore Rome and Naples. Needless to say, it was an unforgettable trip which proved to be very educational for Latin and Geography studies.
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  • 27/02/20

    Das Leben der Anderen Workshop at the University of Reading

    On Wednesday, the 26th of February, the Kendrick A-Level German students had a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the film Das Leben der Anderen at the University of Reading. Elisabeth Königshofer and Ute Wölfel from the Department of Languages and Cultures delivered a varied and th...
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  • 14/02/20

    CoppaFeel Visit Kendrick

    During this week’s wellbeing session, Years 12 and 13 were given an engaging and informative presentation by Helen, from the charity CoppaFeel!, filled with tips on looking out for our health and some serious facts and statistics about cancer.
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  • 14/02/20

    Piano Masterclass 2020

    On Wednesday 12th February, piano students from Kendrick and other schools nearby received a fantastic masterclass with Dr Nigel Wilkinson. 
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