Latest News

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  • 27/09/19

    School Birthday Celebrations 2019

    On Monday 23rd September,we had a super School Birthday celebration starting with a whole school assembly – the first time this term the whole school has assembled in the Hall. As always, every form was asked to bake a cake for the cake competition on a given theme. 
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  • 26/09/19

    Air Experience Flying Day

    On Wednesday 18th September 2019, we got the opportunity to go to RAF Benson to be flown in an aircraft used in the RAF alongside a RAF pilot.
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  • 26/09/19

    Reading German Network Awards Assembly

    On Friday 20th September, six Kendrick students from year 8,9 and 10 and Frau Mueller attended the Reading German Network Awards Assembly at the University of Reading. In total, seven Kendrick students won prizes, Sana, Isabella, Ananya, Hannah, Elena, Shruthi and Simran. 
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  • 19/09/19

    European Youth Parliament Debate

    Kendrick Year 13 debate team qualify for Internationals.
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  • 13/09/19

    Expedition to Vietnam 2019

    On 16th July 2019, 16 students and two staff embarked on a two week long expedition to Vietnam. This trip was the culmination of 14 months of planning, preparation and fund-raising.  As with all these trips we had three main focuses: a trek, a community project and some time to enjoy the sights...
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  • 05/09/19

    My University Placement In Zambia

    Earlier this year, I was fortunate enough to be given a travel grant of £350 from the Kendrick Trustees, despite no-longer being a student at the school, which was a great help towards funding a university placement I was undertaking in Zambia in Africa.
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  • 04/09/19

    Year 12 Trip To Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL)

    On the day before the end of the summer term, Thursday 18th July 2019, Year 12 Physics students were able to take part in the KS5 event at RAL called 'Apollo@50'. 
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  • 22/08/19

    GCSE results summer 2019

    A superb set of GCSE results for our students! We are proud and delighted with the achievements of our students and congratulate and commend them for their exceptional hard work and dedication to their GCSE studies. All students have done very well indeed and many have been able to access the very t...
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  • 17/07/19

    Kendrick Celebrates Apollo 11 Anniversary

    To mark exactly 50 years from the launch of Apollo 11 ( 16th July 1969), Year 12 students from Space Society and Engineering Society organised the launch of rockets on the lawn during 2nd break on Tuesday, 16th July.
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  • 16/07/19

    Year 9 Poetry Recitation Challenge

    Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons last week saw the annual Year 9 Poetry Recitation Challenge.  Students work in groups to present a poem in a creative, choral way.  This year, the challenge included memorising the poems, a task which the students approached wi...
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  • 11/07/19

    Year 8 Journalism Awards

    Earlier this term Y8 enjoyed an afternoon of drama and journalism.  Part of the year group presented short plays set on the Titanic, and the rest of the year group took various journalism roles to cover the event.  The winners of the drama element of the event have already b...
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  • 09/07/19

    Engineering Society Provides Physics Fun For Year 7s

    One of the best memories we have as children growing up is dreaming about superpowers and for many- flying. Earlier this month, on 2nd July, Engineering Soc attempted to make that dream somewhat a reality for Year 7s using the superpower of Physics.
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