Latest News

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  • 15/02/19

    Space Weather Talk

    Most people feel a bit under the weather at 9:00 am on a Monday morning but, for the many space enthusiasts of Kendrick school, it was all sunshine and solar flares as Professor Clare Watt (from the University of Reading) gave us an eye-opening talk on the fascinating topic of Space Weather.
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  • 08/02/19

    Year 7 Cushion Project

    Year 7 students have just completed their cushion project, inspired by nature. Each student learnt how to use the school sewing machines and they also developed their design skills, learning how to create pattern repeats using simple shapes taken from nature. They then created stencils using card, c...
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  • 08/02/19

    Kendrick School Celebrates Chinese New Year

    Happy Chinese New Year! 5th February 2019 was New Year's day for many around the world who celebrate the Lunar New Year - including people from countries such as Korea or Vietnam; not just China.
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  • 08/02/19

    Women in Tech Afternoon Tea

    Below are two reports from students in Year 8 on the Women in Tech afternoon tea they attended at The Grosvenor Hotel in London.
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  • 08/02/19

    Bloomsbury Annual Harry Potter Book Night

    After school on Thursday, the Kendrick Book Club girls switched their Kendrick uniform for their Hogwarts robes and took part in the Bloomsbury Annual Harry Potter Book Night.
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  • 01/02/19

    Year 8 Act of Kindness

    The Task A few weeks ago, we were given a sheet of card from our form tutors. We were asked to divide the sheet into smaller squares and write our name on one side, and the Letter K on the other. We were utterly confused, so our form tutors explained to us that we could give a 'Kendrick Kindn...
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  • 25/01/19

    Holocaust Memorial Day - Sunday 27th January 2019

    This morning the whole school gathered together for an assembly to mark Holocaust Memorial Day which is on Sunday 27th January.
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  • 25/01/19

    Kendrick School Hosts Rehearsal for Royal Albert Hall Performance

    Kendrick School hosted the first Reading-based rehearsal for our performance with Berkshire Maestros at the Royal Albert Hall in March. Students attended from a variety of primary and secondary schools in the area to practise ‘Feel the Spirit’ by John Rutter, the piece we will be perform...
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  • 23/01/19

    Robotics Competition

    On Saturday 12th January, 13 girls from Years 8 and 9 went to the First Lego League Robotics competition.
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  • 18/01/19

    Berkshire County Badminton Tournament - 18/01/19

    Last week the Kendrick School Badminton teams journeyed to Bohunt School to play in the County round of the National School’s Badminton League. This is the report of the Junior Team’s day.
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  • 18/01/19

    Meeting Ruby Wax

    The Broad Street, Reading branch of Waterstones hosted an event on 10 January 2019 ‘Ruby Wax: In Conversation’ and one of our librarians was lucky enough to secure a ticket and attend.
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  • 17/01/19

    Ski Trip 2018/19

    Our day of departure brought with it a great deal of excitement and anticipation for the week to come.
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