Latest News

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  • 28/09/18

    Kendrick School's 141st Birthday

    On Monday 24th September 2018, Kendrick School was 141 years old! We started the celebrations witih a whole school assembly and as always the students rose to the challenge of making cakes for the Cake Competition.
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  • 20/09/18

    Expedition to Norway

    Just before the end of the summer term I was lucky enough to have received a Travel Grant of £250 from the Kendrick Trustees for my expedition to Norway with Oxfordshire Scouts.
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  • 06/07/18

    Visit to Houses of Parliament

    On Thursday 5th July, a group of 15 students visited the Houses of Parliament at the invitation of Lord Borwick who visited Kendrick School as part of the Peers in Schools Programme earlier in the year.
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  • 29/06/18

    Year 10 Charity Week

    Last week saw Year 10 organise events to support Oxfam’s Stay in School Appeal. The aim of the appeal is to raise money to buy bicycles for girls in lesser developed countries so that they can get to school safely and arrive alert and ready to learn.
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  • 29/06/18

    Year 7 Bushcraft Residential

    Hi! My name is Davneet and I am a Year 7 student who has just come back from our Year 7 Residential to Bushcraft. This is the first time that Year 7 in Kendrick has had a chance to go to Bushcraft. After we came back from Bushcraft, my best friend asked me to describe it in one word. My exact word w...
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  • 20/06/18

    A Recount of PGL 2018

    Monday the 4th of June 2018 saw Year 9 leave for Devon for a week long trip to PGL. The weather was cloudy and dull, but that didn’t mirror our emotions at all. We were all so excited to get away and relax for a week. As soon as we got there, we were greeted by cheerful, smiley staff thus inst...
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  • 07/06/18

    Kendrick School Expansion Proposal Plans

    We, the Chair of Governors and Headteacher of Kendrick School, are writing to you at the start of a four week statutory consultation period from 7th June 2018 to 5th July 2018, regarding the proposed expansion of Kendrick School.
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  • 18/05/18

    Mock Trial Competition

    Last Saturday the Year 9 Mock Trial Team competed in the regional finals of the competition after achieving first place in the local heats.
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  • 15/05/18

    BPHO Competitions

    BPHO competitions and Palak’s amazing day at the Royal Society.
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  • 11/05/18

    Year 12 Oxford Material Science Trip

    On April 17th, we were given the exciting opportunity to visit the University of Oxford, accompanied by Dr Smalley, and learn more about the Material Science course..
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  • 27/04/18

    Lord Borwick Visit to Kendrick School

    On Friday 20th April, Lord Borwick visited Kendrick to speak to Sixth Form students. The session centred on the role of the House of Lords within the parliamentary system, along with ample opportunity to answer any questions we had related to politics.
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  • 27/03/18

    The Avenue School’s Amazing Art Project with Kendrick School

    Class 7B at the Avenue School have had a lovely 2 weeks working with a group of Year 10 students from Kendrick School in Reading.
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