Latest News

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  • 29/03/23

    Air Ambulance Concert 2023

    On Friday 24th March, Kendrick School hosted the Air Ambulance Charity Concert in collaboration with students from Reading School.  Since 2012, students of the two schools have come together every year to make music and raise money for the Thames Valley Air Ambulance (TVAA). The...
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  • 17/03/23

    Year 10 Maths Feast

    On Friday 3rd March two teams of four Year 10 students took part in the Year 10 Advanced Mathematics Support Programme (AMSP) Maths Feast at Langley Grammar School, an exciting and challenging competition that tests mathematical, team - working and communication skills. Each year the format...
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  • 16/03/23

    UKSDC Competition

    Last weekend, Kendrick Students (Esha, Krittika, Nikitha, Aniya, and Shriyam) took part in the UK Space Design Competition (UKSDC), a multidisciplinary space-themed competition designed to simulate life in the space industry. A team of 5 Kendrick Students, and students from other school...
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  • 14/03/23

    World Book Day 2023

    Once again at Kendrick School we decided to celebrate World Book Day for an entire week, rather than confining it to one day…after all, reading is such a wonderful thing to celebrate!  
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  • 09/03/23

    House Photography Competition

    Towards the end of last year, the Kendrick House Captains launched the House Photography competition that was open to all year groups.  Entries were invited to the themes of: Contrasts Reflections  My favourite things Photos were judged anonymously by Mrs Shaw, who...
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  • 07/03/23

    Write On Festival At The Abbey

    On Wednesday 1st March, a group of students in Year 9, 10 and 11 joined students from other Reading schools at one of the events of the Write On Festival at The Abbey School.  This festival celebrated a variety of different non-fiction writing genres, and the event we attended focussed on...
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  • 07/03/23

    Year 11 At The Doctors Show

    On the 28th January, History students had the opportunity to travel to Newbury in order to visit The Doctors Show which is based on our final GCSE unit, ‘Health and the people’. The trip consisted of a very entertaining and historically accurate depiction of important historical figures...
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  • 28/02/23

    Roberta Wins National Non-Fiction Writing Competition

    We are very proud to announce the winner of the National Non-Fiction November Writing Competition to be one of our Year 7 students – Roberta in 7WM! National Non-Fiction November is the Federation of Children’s Book Groups’ annual celebration of all things factual. Born out of...
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  • 21/02/23

    Year 11 Geography Field Trip

    On the 23rd of January, Year 11 geography students, wrapped in about 50 layers of clothing, embarked on their second field trip. This was to gather data to analyse in our GCSE paper which discusses Geography around the UK. We explored the small, rural village of Berinsfield, a quaint, nucleated, com...
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  • 07/02/23

    Falcon 2 Challenge

    This year, a team of 6th Form students, comprising Airah, Aishwarya, Aislin, Esha,  Fatimah, Katherine, Laiba, Navya, Nevedya, Priyal, Shreya, Shriyam and Tawhida, entered the Falcon 2 Challenge which is run by The Royal Aeronautical Society in partnership with Boeing, Middlesex...
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  • 02/02/23

    Poetry Live 2023

    On Wednesday the 25th January, Year 11 students were lucky enough to go to the Hexagon on a fantastic trip to see Poetry Live, organised by the English Department. We left school after Period 1 and walked to the Hexagon with our teachers. At the Hexagon we were given booklets with the poems from...
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  • 27/01/23

    Holocaust Memorial Day

    Today, 27th January, is Holocaust Memorial Day.
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