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  • GCSE Presentation Evening

    On Wednesday 20th November we held our GCSE Presentation Event when Year 12 students and their parents joined staff and governors for the presentation of the GCSE certificates and awards. To present the certificates to the students, Kitty Gingell, former student and Curriculum Prefect in last year’s Head Girl Team, returned to Kendrick from university to speak and present the certificates. Kitty spoke to the students about her undergraduate course at Oxford University where she is studying Engineering and how she is enjoying studying subjects that she took at A Level in particular Physics! She gave the students some advice which she said she would have appreciated when she was in their place two years ago. She summed up her advice into five key points:

    1. Persevere - be resilient. The next two years and, as I’m coming to realise pretty quickly, the many years after that too, will be difficult and stressful at times. You need to remember that when you’re going through a rough patch the only way to get out the other side is often to keep trudging along. So my first piece of advice is to be resilient, keep your head up, and persevere.
    2. Don’t compare yourself to others: It’s very easy to compare yourself to others while you’re at school. Remember that different people have different ways of studying that work for them.....different schedules and different motivations too, and it’s counterproductive to try to compare yourself with those around you.
    3. Always be kind: Be kind to others - invite people to events, sit and chat with someone who might not have adjusted to sixth form life yet, be inclusive of everyone. You are in the lucky position that you know this school very well but there are many new students too and they won’t necessarily feel completely settled at this point. Reaching out just by offering someone a cup of tea or walking to the station with them can make such a difference to their day - even though it might seem quite a small act to you. Also, very importantly, be kind to yourself. Regularly exercising, getting a decent amount of sleep and staying off social media can really help your work and boost your day-to-day happiness.  
    4. Get involved: For me the extracurricular clubs and societies really enriched my time at Kendrick so I would highly recommend that you sign up to a sports team and go along to some interesting societies  (I’d certainly  recommend engineering soc!).
    5. Make mistakes: The final piece of advice I would like to offer is that all advice should be taken with a pinch of salt!  I hope you’ve found what I’ve been saying this evening useful, but the only way to really learn is to make your own mistakes. When I was debating choosing between Physics and Art no amount of advice would have swayed me one way or the other. In fact, quite often being advised against something is the very spark to make you do it!  Whether you heed advice or plough your own furrow - if it doesn’t turn out so well remember- don’t worry, we all learn from our mistakes. That is how progress is made! 

    It was a super speech that everyone enjoyed and appreciated. We are very grateful to Kitty for making the time to come and speak to the students and we look forward to welcoming her back in December at her own presentation event when she will be presented with her A Level certificates by another former Kendrick student, now a Lawyer, Jennifer Brace.

    List of Awards


    YEAR 11

    The Caroline Starkey Award for Mathematics

    Malaika Bashir

    The Peter Brett Associates Award for Biology

    Pippa Wakelin

    The Peter Brett Associates Award for  Chemistry

    Mridhula Sridevi Prabhakar

    The Peter Brett Associates Award for Physics

    Phoebe Houldsworth-Bianek

    The Kendrick Trust Award for English Literature

    Letitia Zhao

    The Kendrick Trust Award for English Language

    Niyati Mehta

    The Kendrick School Award for French

    Sasha Dhillon

    The Manasvini Kaushik Award for German

    Alexandra Lunn

    The Myfanwy Giddings Award for Latin

    Abigail Hallett

    The Kendrick School Award for Geography

    Rebecca Stone

    The Valerie Hulme Award for History

    Joanne Mushi

    The Kendrick Trust Award for Religious Studies

    Isha Roy

    The Horseman Award for Business

    Maya Nolte

    The Design Marking Awards for Technology
    [1] Food
    [2] Product Design
    [3] Textiles

    [1]Diya Raj Yajaman
    [2] Nishtha Patil
    [3] Arzina Ismaili

    The Mark A’Bear Award For Computing

    Bhanusha Kirupakaran

    The Design Marking Award for Art & Design

    Anushka Gupta

    The Rachel Lee-Johnson Award for Music

    Maya Fear

    The Kendrick School Award for Drama

    Ashaanya Pandey

    The Chaplin Cup for Physical Education

    Aneesa Rashid

    The Kendrick School Award for Service to School Sport

    Angela Kanu


    The Governors’ Award for Academic Excellence

    Sreenithi Bhuvaneshwaran,
    Rosana Ercilla,
    Claudia Jimenez-Yamaguchi,
    Angela Kanu, Manya Krishna,
    Joanne Mushi, Elaina Ough & Rebecca Stone

    The Kendrick School Award for Pursuit of Excellence

    Alannah Chadwick, Lilian Crook, Sasha Dhillon, Preesha Gehlot, Abigail Hallett, Rebecca Lyon,
    Amishi Pandey & Shraddha Sriraman

    The Kendrick Parents’ Society Award
    for Outstanding Endeavour

    Bhanusha Kirupakaran,
    Shruthi Arun Krithika,
    Trisha Shanthiprasad &
    Anushka Verabatlu

    The Chartwells Award for Work Experience

    Pari Saxena

    The Geoff Hawkins Award for Teamwork

    Riya Abraham, Shreeya Gupta,
    Jesica Gurung, Alicia Houghton,
    Trisha Shanthiprasad, Isabel Turner, Sophie Underwood & Letitia Zhao

    The Marsha Carey-Elms Award for Citizenship

    Laura Autio, Susanna De Maio, Rebecca Lyon & Hannah Mulligan

    The True Adventure Award for Community Service

    Iris Rushbrooke &
    Mridhula Sridevi Prabhakar

    GCSE Presentation Evening 2019 - Photo Gallery