GCSE Presentation Evening 2018
Yesterday evening we presented last year’s Year 11 students with their GCSE Certificates.
In a change from the past, the event focused just on the GCSE students and our speaker was our former Head Girl from last year, Lily Firth, who spoke to the students about her experiences of A Levels and the Sixth Form. She also gave some excellent advice about life which you can read below:
- If things aren’t going according to plan, very soon things will brighten up.
- Do not compare yourself to others, instead think more positively.
- Celebrate your successes.
- ‘Work hard, play hard’- make sure you get the balance right.
- Be thankful for the education you are receiving as so many other people do not have that privilege.
- Social media is nothing to live by- people only post the positive aspects of their life, and none of the hardships that they are facing.
- And finally, acting kindly should just be the default.
Lily presented the students with the GCSE certificates and some students received Special Awards details of which you can see in the programme below. A lovely evening was had by everyone that attended.