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  • Holocaust Memorial Day 2025

    On Monday 27th January, Kendrick School commemorated Holocaust Memorial Day, and marked the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz in Poland in 1945, remembering the millions of Jews who died in those camps as well as people who have died in other genocides that have taken place since then, in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.

    Joshika and Lucia, our Year 13 Holocaust Ambassadors, spoke about their visit to Auschwitz last year and shared the lessons they learnt from it.  Here is an account of their trip.            


    This year’s theme, 'For a Better Future', enables us to think deeply, not only about the history of the Holocaust, but about the way we can all endeavour to do things for the future.  Ms Kattirtzi encouraged students to talk and discuss current conflicts and issues with their friends and families, whilst supporting charities and organisations that seek peace and reconciliation.  With the huge wealth of ability, talent and potential, Ms Kattirzi hoped that our students would be able to take action for a better future with the help of the qualifications, courses and careers that they eventually chose to follow.  

    Over the years, our School Pledge has come to define our ethos as it enables us to come together as a community with shared values.  Staff and students were encouraged to sign the Kendrick Pledge Book again this year, which serves as an affirmation to uphold its values in daily life.     

    Every year a new display about Holocaust Memorial Day is prepared and put up in the Vestibule and library. With this year’s theme, the title of the display is Take Action For a Better Future. The display provides a context and background to the commemorations, as well as sharing the stories of individuals who have tried to take action for a better future. 

    Finally, there is also a poetry competition which students can enter, details of which are here.