Palmer Wins House Cup 2020-21
Last year, I wrote about the House year being like no other and how I hoped a return to normality would mean we could put on more house events this year. I did not think then that this year would be more affected than the last.
Despite everything, we have managed to hold some great House events this year, House football, House Chess, House netball have all gone ahead as normal, with the necessary adaptations put in place. Sports Day was done remotely, an extraordinary feat for which I give my thanks to the PE department. House Colouring, House Reading, House Joke Competition. We even had to change the way we had to give out House tokens!
I am hoping that in my summary at the end of this year, a return to something close to the old normal will be underway. We are planning a return for our normal events in the next year and hope that this can bring back, what is in my opinion, the most valuable element of the House system: all Year groups taking parts in events together.
The superb House Captains and Vice-Captains have helped to make this year a success, despite such challenges. I would like to say Thank you to Georgia, Zainab and Ndego, Becky, Mary and Daisy. I know you tenure has been disrupted to say the least but I am glad we were able to hold some events and I know I speak for all my fellow House leaders when I say it was a pleasure to work with you.
Last week, House Leaders met to count the final tokens. I am delighted to announce that Palmer were the winners in what was an extremely close fought contest.
The final scores were as follows:
1st Palmer – 1511
2nd Sidmouth – 1403
3rd Cedars - 1396
Finally, I thank you all for your patience during this stop start House year and I look forward to a brighter 2021-22 House Cup.
Mr J Duncan