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  • Year 10 Options

    Kendrick offers students a broad and balanced programme which retains the features of an academic grammar school curriculum

    It is possible for any student at Kendrick to select a combination of subjects which would be equivalent to the current English Baccalaureate as described by the government.

    The Year 10 Options Booklet gives a brief description of the subjects that students can study in Years 10 and 11 at Kendrick.

    When choosing subjects a student should consider the following:

    • What subjects they would like to do
    • What subjects they can do successfully
    • What subjects they may be thinking of continuing at AS/A level
    • What subjects they ought to do because they might be necessary for their future career

    Students should discuss their choice carefully with their subject teachers, their form tutor and with their parents. It is important that their curriculum in Years 10 and 11 is a well-balanced one.