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  • School Uniform

    We welcome parental support to encourage students to come to school dressed neatly and practically for a working day. Should there be any enquiries regarding the uniform, please contact your child's form teacher before purchasing an item. All uniforms must be clearly named, including all PE kit.

    School Uniform Policy

    The Trustees, staff and students of Kendrick School believe that a school uniform for students in Years 7 -11 and a dress code for students in the sixth form are desirable and appropriate at Kendrick and help promote a good working environment. Separate requirements for PE and practical subjects also make up the School’s Uniform Policy. The uniform items fulfil the criteria of clothing that is suitable, comfortable, affordable, practical and purposeful for an effective learning and teaching setting in a safe and healthy environment.

    School uniform also serves to create a sense of identity and has a PR role to play in the wider community.  Students in school uniform represent their school, so the school expects it to be worn correctly and with respect.

    Governors accept their responsibilities under Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Human Rights Act 1998, and Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and appreciate that the school uniform should not discriminate on grounds of race, religion, sex and culture.


    Through our uniform and dress code we aim to:

    • Encourage pride in the school
    • Support teaching and learning
    • Enable students to be comfortable, safe and secure
    • Encourage a sense of equality and belonging to the school community
    • Protect students from social pressures to dress in a particular way
    • Support parents to provide an efficient and value for money dress code for their daughters
    • Ensure that girls from different social, religious and ethnic groups feel welcome.
    • Communicate a positive school identity in the community.

    Students are expected to arrive at school and to leave the premises in uniform.

    Students are permitted to wear shorts for health and comfort reasons. All requests must be made in writing to the Headteacher.

    School Uniform List

    Uniform for Years 7-11

    • ​​OUTDOOR WEAR: Coats, fleeces, scarves etc. should be appropriate for coming to and from school. There should be no large logos on this clothing. 

              Grey Kendrick PE ‘hoodies’ may be worn to and from school, but not in lessons.

    • SKIRT: Mid-grey classic style skirt that is either straight or pleated.  Skirts must not be tight, slit, or made of stretch fabric.

    The hem of the skirt should be of an appropriate length and suitable for the school environment and school activities, not too long or too short.

    • TROUSERS: Plain, black classic style trousers.

    These should be straight-legged and not a tight, ‘bootleg’, ’drainpipe’ or ‘jeans’ style nor should they be ‘low-rise’. There should be no large belts or buckles.

    Trousers should not be made out of a denim fabric or leather.

    • SHORTS: Plain, black-specified tailored style. Shorts must not be tight or made of fabric and the hem must be just above the knee.
    • BLOUSE: Plain white, long or short-sleeved blouse with revere collar. 

    The blouse should be tucked into the waistband when worn under a sweatshirt so that it is not visible below it.

     A white tee-shirt or top may be worn under the blouse but not coloured tee-shirts or bras that will show through the blouse.

    • KENDRICK SWEATSHIRT: Sweatshirt in “Kendrick red” with embroidered school crest and available from uniform supplier outlets.
    • SHOES: Black shoes of sensible design with low heels.

    No trainers, flat pumps, stilettos or platform shoes, sandals or flip-flops. Shoes should protect and support the feet to comply with the school’s Health & Safety Regulations.

    • TIGHTS AND SOCKS: Tights – black, grey or flesh coloured. Socks – plain black, grey or white.
    • HATS and Head Covering: No hats to be worn in school. The wearing of a headscarf or hijab, in plain black, white or Kendrick Red (no patterns or multicoloured), for religious reasons, is permitted. Garments covering the face or whole body, for example, the abaya and niqab are not permitted.
    • JEWELLERY: One small discreet stud may be worn in each ear.  No facial piercing.  A wristwatch may be worn but no bracelets.  A single chain with an item of jewellery representing the religious symbol of a student’s faith (such as a cross) is permitted but must be discreet. Jewellery must be removed for PE.
    • HAIR/HAIR ORNAMENTS: No extremes of hair colour or style are allowed. Plain hairbands may be worn but only of a matching colour to the uniform.
    • MAKE-UP & NAILS: The make-up worn should be discreet and appropriate for a school environment. Nail varnish should be clear.
    • SCIENCE OVERALL: Blue or green, available from the uniform suppliers.  The overall is compulsory in all Art and Science lessons. Upper school and sixth form students may replace their overalls with a white lab coat.
    • SCIENCE GOGGLES Protective goggles for use in Science and Technology lessons.  Each student must have their own pair; they are obtainable from the school or educational suppliers.  They must be both impact and chemical resistant to British Standard BS2092 1 C.D.M. level.

    P E Kit

    PE will be held outside regardless of the weather.

    Labelling of PE Kit

    Please ensure that all your child's PE kit is clearly named with first and surname throughout. 


    • Skort – black with Kendrick logo
    • Polo shirt – Black with Kendrick Logo
    • Cycling shorts – black
    • Sweatshirt – Black midlayer with Kendrick logo. School sweatshirts must not be worn for PE lessons. 
    • Sports socks - white sports socks must be worn
    • Sports trainers –  Not basketball boot type/suede or canvas leisure wear – Non marking sole.
    • Swimming costume – plain black
    • Goggles
    • Swim Hat – White with Kendrick logo

    Optional Extras

    • House T-shirt - used for inter-house events and sports day
    • Tracksuit trousers- black with Kendrick logo (no other tracksuit bottoms can be worn)
    • Sports leggings – black with Kendrick logo (no other sports leggings can be worn)
    • Long sleeved base layer – black with Kendrick logo (no other base layer can be worn)

    Non-Uniform Events

    If students are not expected to wear uniform because of a charity event or because they are on a trip, their clothing should be appropriate for the working environment/activities that they are taking part in.

    In line with the dress code in the Sixth Form, the following points should be noted:

    • Examples of unacceptable clothing items are:  cropped tops, low cut vest tops, strapless tops, very short skirts or shorts and ripped jeans.
    • There should not be flesh on show between the top itself and the top of the skirt or trousers.
    • Hats are not to be worn in school. The wearing of a headscarf or hijab is permitted, for religious reasons, but the wearing of the niqab is not permitted.
    • Extremes of make-up or hair colour are unacceptable.
    • No flip-flop shoes.
    • Tee shirts should not display extreme / offensive views or comments.

    Enforcement of the School Uniform Policy

    It is the responsibility of the Headteacher and staff to monitor and enforce the uniform and dress code as part of the day to day running of the school. Parents/carers have the responsibility to ensure that their child comes to school in the correct uniform and suitable clothing.

    Sixth Form students are also expected to take responsibility for their own attire and are expected to consider the suitability of their attire carefully each day. Sixth Form students are expected to be proactive in reminding their friends of the dress code where necessary. The Kendrick School Leadership Team, prefects and Form Captains should not only set an example but should also engage in self-regulation to minimise the input needed from staff.

    • Any member of staff recognising a breach of the dress code should address this directly with the student.
    • The Form Tutor should deal with any minor breach of the uniform policy. A message could be sent home via a note in the student’s homework diary or by email.
    • Subsequently, the student will be referred to the TLC.
    • If correct uniform or the Sixth Form dress code is repeatedly breached, the TLC will contact parents/carers to discuss the concern.
    • If this does not produce the desired result, the TLC will phone the parents/ carers and students to attempt to resolve the issue.
    • Finally, the student will be sent to a member of the SLT who will, if necessary, send the student home to change.

    In the case of jewellery and other accessories which infringe the policy, a member of staff may ask the student to remove the item. It will be taken to the General Office and may be collected at the end of the school day.

    The Headteacher and Head of Sixth Form are the final arbiters in all matters of uniform and dress.

    Preloved/Second Hand Uniform Shop

    The second-hand uniform shop will be open the first Saturday of each term between 9am and 11am.  The shop is located in the Conservatory, next to the Library.  If you have any queries about the shop opening please email:

    If there are spaces available, you will be able to park in the Cedars car park (so you don’t have to pay for parking). The Cedars car park is situated just before the Turks pub. If you are driving along London road, you go past one set of traffic lights (and have Kendrick School on your right), continue past the second set of lights by the dentist and then turn right into the car park in front of the school building that is called Cedars. If you are coming down Kendrick Road, you will go across the lanes to turn right into the car park. You will then have to walk around to enter Kendrick School via East Street. 


    Uniforms can be purchased from any supplier. However, items which have the Kendrick School logo should be purchased from:

    Reading Branch

    4 Chatham Place
    RG1 7AR
    United Kingdom


    If you are purchasing items from other suppliers, please ensure that it fits with our uniform regulations.