Safeguarding - Visitor Guide
Visitor Procedures
- All visitors must sign in at the main reception and show photo ID.
- All visitors will be issued with an appropriate pass which must always be displayed whilst on the site
- Visitors will be asked to remain under the supervision of a designated member of staff whilst on site unless they have an up to date DBS which has been verified
- All visitors must sign out at the main reception before leaving the site
- Visitors wishing to see a member of staff should contact the school to make an appointment. If you are seeking an urgent appointment, please telephone 0118 9015859 and, if possible, we will try to arrange for you to speak to a member of staff. Safeguarding concerns will always be dealt with as a matter of priority.
Mobile Phones
To protect our students we respectfully ask that you do not have your phone out or use it during your time in the school building. If this is an issue, please contact a member of staff on arrival.
Under no circumstances should you take photographs of our students whilst at our school
Key Personnel
Designated Officer | Mr Nick Simmonds, Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Deputy Designated Officer | Mrs Gill Hearn, Head of Sixth Form |
Deputy Designated Officer | Mme Sylvie Hulley, Head of KS4 |
Deputy Designated Officer | Miss Steph Hyde, Head of KS3 | |
Deputy Designated Officer | Mrs Jo Hackett, Attendance and Welfare Officer |
Deputy Designated Officer | Mrs Lynne Shaw, Sixth Form Student Support |
Safeguarding Governors |
Mrs Julia Drury
Mrs Lindsey Reece-Smith |
If you become concerned about:
- • something a child says,
- • marks on a child and/or
- • changes in a child’s behaviour or demeanour
please report these concerns to a member of school staff who will pass the information on to one of the school’s Designated Safeguarding Leads. Child abuse can happen to all children regardless of gender, culture, religion, social background and those with or without disability.
Alternatively please email
Safeguarding Key Principles
At Kendrick we believe that every student has, at all times and in all situations, a right to feel safe and protected from any situation or practice that results in a student being physically or psychologically damaged. As a consequence:
- We accept that all staff are an integral part of the student safeguarding process
- We accept totally that safeguarding students is an appropriate responsibility for all staff and the governing body and wholly compatible with pedagogic responsibilities
- We recognise that safeguarding children in this school is a responsibility for all staff including volunteers and the governing body
- We will ensure that all staff in the school are aware of the possibility that a student is at risk of suffering harm, and know how to report concerns or suspicions
- We will designate a senior member of staff, Nick Simmonds, Deputy Headteacher , who is responsible for coordinating action within the school and liaising with other agencies
- We will safeguard the welfare of children whilst in the school and take positive measures to address bullying
- We will share our concerns with others who need to know and assist in any referral process
Physical Contact and Restraint
Members of staff and visitors should not make gratuitous physical contact with students in the school. Any contact must be relevant to the needs of the student such as:
- Administering first aid
- Physical assistance to the child/student in the course of teaching
- Their own self protection
Confidentiality Policy
Kendrick School fosters an ethos of mutual respect and trust, and sensitivity to the needs of others. We respect the right to privacy for all members of the school community. All personal matters must be discussed discreetly for the protection of individuals concerned. Ground rules are set, and we try to create a safe environment where a whole variety of issues and topics can be discussed openly in the learning and teaching environment where no personal questions will be asked.
Health and Safety
Fire: In the event of a fire alarm please use the nearest fire exit and make your way to the tennis courts. Please make yourself aware of the nearest fire exit to where you are based.
Lockdown: If there is a need to lockdown the building, the lockdown bell will ring. If you are in a classroom or staff room, close windows and blinds, and turn off all light sources including computers. Stay low to the ground and where possible place yourself under a desk. You will be notified by a senior member of staff once the lockdown has ended.
Accidents and Illness: All accidents, regardless of severity, need to be reported to a first-aider. Staff will inform you of the first-aider nearest to where you are based. All accidents will be logged in the accident book. Should you require a comfort break during your visit, a member of staff will be happy to direct you to our adult facilities which are located around the school.