
If your child is not offered a place at the school of your choice, you have a right to appeal against this decision to an Independent Appeal Panel. 

Appeals can be lodged at any time but the deadline for submitting secondary appeals for the main admission round is: 28th March 2024.

The web page parents should go to for submitting their appeal online and for information on the appeals process is:

Contact Details:

School Appeals Clerk
Committee Services
Reading Borough Council
Civic Offices
Bridge Street

Julie Quarmby – Tel: 0118 937 2368 – Email:
Jemma Durkan – Tel: 0118 937 2432 – Email:

History of Year 7 Entry School Admission Appeals at Kendrick School

Admission Year Number of Appeals Lodged Number of Appeals Heard Number of Appeals Upheld
2014 3 3 0
2015 8 8 0
2016 3 3 0
2017 8 8 0
2018 3 3 0
2019 11 11 1
2020 8 7 0
2021 15 13 0
2022 11 10 0
2023 19 18 0
2024 16 15 0