SEND Provision
Special Educational Needs Coordinator - Ms Yvonne Le Croissette
OFSTED Report November 2022: "The new SENDCo carefully identifies pupils’ needs and shares useful information with staff. Teachers skilfully adapt their lessons to meet the needs of all pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Consequently, pupils with SEND are very well supported, both academically and emotionally, and are achieving in line with their peers".
What kinds of special educational needs are provided for?
How will Kendrick School staff support my child?
We are an inclusive school that fully complies with the requirements outlined in the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice (2015).
Our staff have been trained to be able to cater for learners who may have difficulties with:
- Cognition and learning
- Communication and Interaction
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health
- Sensory and/or Physical
We make reasonable adjustments to our practices to comply with the Equality Act
- Student Passports are created for all students on our SEND register. Students Passports are generated by the SENDCo and the student and then shared with teachers and parents for further amendments.
- Minutes of Tutor Team meetings always agenda SEN and these go to SENCO and HT (Head Teacher)
- Following profiling of pupils (one to one with tutor in Nov. and July) tutor and TLC fill in tracking documents
- Tracking documents reviewed at TLC meeting with Line Manager (member of SLT)
Tracking documents reviewed by SENCO with line manager (Head Teacher)
What policies are there for identifying children and young people with SEN and assessing their needs, including the name and contact details of the SENCO?
How does Kendrick School know if students need extra help, and what should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?
The school has an SEN policy which can be found via this link.
The SENCO is Ms Le Croissette.
0118 901 5859
Our TLC team meet once a term to discuss the progress, engagement and conduct of learners within the school. Decisions are then made as to the most appropriate steps to take in order to support the learner. These decisions tie in with the school's graduated approach to meeting needs. Causes for concern (potential SEND) are highlighted and interventions put in place.
Excellent communication between TLCs (Heads of Year) and TLS (Head of Dept). Minutes of meetings flag up students of concern and actions are taken by appropriate individuals.
What arrangements are in place for consulting parents of children with SEN and involving them in their child’s education?
How will Kendrick School and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me support my child’s learning? How are parents involved in the school? How can I be involved?
The school has a regular reporting cycle where parents are informed of progress. The parents are required to acknowledge receipt of the interim report and are invited to comment on it.
There is one parent/teacher consultation per year per student. Students are invited to these meetings and in Years 12 & 13 it is a requirement that they attend. Parents may see all their daughter’s teachers to discuss their progress. For matters that arise and cannot be dealt with in the time available separate appointments should be made. Parents have the opportunity of making a special appointment at any other time to discuss with the tutors or subject teachers should there be cause for concern.
We hold at least one information evening per year group, (two at times of transition.) where we provide information to help parents support their child and her learning and her general well-being.
We have a parent teacher association (KPS) where parents can become involved in school life. If you would like to help the KPS or become a member please contact:
We also have parent governors who can take an active role in the overall running of the school including financial management, curriculum development and whole school improvement.
What arrangements are in place for consulting young people with SEN and involving them in their education?
How is the decision made about what type and much support my child will receive?
The SENCO liaises with key staff in the school (tutors, teaching staff and TLCs) where there are concerns about progress or engagement. Following the sharing of information decisions are made as to the most appropriate type of support to put in place for the learner.
‘Teacher Guidance’ is outlined on SIMS for students; this information is gathered and discussed with external agencies, students and parents, so that teaching staff have a clear overview of the whole child. We feel that it is important to have the views of the learner so that they feel involved in their own learning.
‘Teacher Tips’ and specific information about the student can be found on the Student Passport which is accessible to all staff.
What arrangements are there for assessing and reviewing children and young people’s progress towards outcomes, including the opportunities available to work with parents and young people as part of this assessment and review?
How will both you and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s/young person’s learning?
We plan to integrate the assess, plan, do and review cycle with our SEND learners with the aim to look at the actions needed to support a learner towards their outcomes and highlight what each stakeholder can do in order to make a positive contribution.
The school has a regular reporting cycle where parents are informed of progress.
The Student Passport is updated throughout the year and interventions are evaluated regularly
What arrangements are in place for supporting children and young people in moving between phases of education and in preparing for adulthood? As young people prepare for adulthood outcomes should reflect their ambitions, which could include higher education, employment, independent living and participation in society
How will Kendrick School prepare and support my child to join the school, transfer to a new school or the next stage of education and life?
We have a detailed and carefully planned induction programme for all new students to the school – for Year 7 and Year 12. We have excellent communication practices in place so that all new students and parents are provided with information about the school and staff.
For students who are new to Year 7, a number of staff visit prospective students in their primary school and we fully encourage all our prospective students to attend induction days at Kendrick School
Year 7 parents and students are invited to meet with member of Year 7 team or SLT on a one-to-one basis before term starts to discuss the next stage of the young person's development. Guidance and signposting for advice is given during the meeting so that each stakeholder can take an active part in preparing for the next stage of education.
Older students are matched to new students to provide support to new students e.g. Buddy system for Sixth Formers, letter writing to year 6s in Year 7, Year 8s buddy Year 7s
Careers talks are given to learners so that they can make informed choices about what they would like to do in the future.
The parent/carer of any child with special educational needs or a disability, who is applying for a place at the School, should write to the Admissions Officer at Kendrick School so that any special arrangements that might need to be made to enable the child to take the Entrance Tests can be discussed. It would be expected that there would be supporting information from an accredited medical professional recommending arrangements appropriate to the need. It would also be necessary to establish a history of need by demonstrating that similar arrangements are in place at the applicant’s current school. Kendrick School may contact the applicant’s primary school to verify and confirm existing arrangements.
Where special arrangements are required for the child to take the Entrance Test, parents/carers must also complete the appropriate section of the Kendrick School Registration Form.
Children with a Statement of Special Needs and/or an Education, Health and Care Plan and has named Kendrick School specifically on the statement will always be admitted as long as they have met the qualifying score.
What is the approach to teaching children and young people with SEN?
How will school staff support my child?
We adopt a graduated approach to meeting needs, through quality first teaching, our staff make reasonable adjustments to help include all children not just those with SEN. We take a holistic school approach to supporting learners.
Minutes of Tutor Team meetings always agenda SEN and these go to SENDCo and HT (Head Teacher). Following profiling of pupils (one to one with tutor in Nov. and July) the tutor and TLC fill in tracking documents. These tracking documents are reviewed at TLC meetings with the Line Manager (member of SLT) and they are also reviewed by the SENDCo with the Head Teacher.
How are adaptations are made to the curriculum and the learning environment of children and young people with SEN?
How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs? How accessible is the school environment?
Staff differentiate approaches and resources to support access to the curriculum.
Special provision and adaptations have been made for students with visual impairments. The school is well maintained and looked after and corridors and thoroughfares are spacious and kept clear. There are parts of the school which are not accessible to wheelchairs.
Appropriate adaptions to learning have been prescribed e.g. provision of IPad for dyslexic students; classroom adaptions for VI students
Information specific to SEN students available on confidential portal on share point or directly imparted by SENDCo, TLC or Tutor
Teaching guidance for any student (SEND or not) is provided on confidential portal We hold meetings with parents before options at key stage 4 are chosen so that parents and young people are fully aware of the options and challenges each route will pose for them.
What is the expertise and training of staff to support children and young people with SEN, including how specialist expertise will be secured?
What specialist services and expertise are there available at or accessed by the school?What training are the staff supporting children and young people with SEND had or are having?
We aim to ensure that all staff working with learners who have SEND possess a working knowledge of the difficulty to help them in supporting access to the curriculum.
All staff hold appropriate qualifications for their role: Teachers, SENDCo, First Aid, Counsellors, Psychologists, School Nurse.
Where it is deemed that external support is necessary we discuss any referrals with parents in the first instance and gain full consent before proceeding with a referral.
This academic year the school has worked with the Berkshire Sensory Consortium Service, Consultant psychologist, the Educational Psychology Service, No5 Counselling Service, School Nurse (NHS)
All staff are vetted appropriately under the school’s safe recruitment processes and practices. We have established relationships with health and support agencies and liaise with them regularly and as appropriate.
Our SENDCo or representatives from the professional agencies we work with, give training to staff on particular SEN issues e.g. Dyslexia, Autism, Self-Harming, visual impairment, mental health.
At weekly staff briefings student updates are given by pastoral staff and more detailed meetings and information is circulated regularly
How do you evaluate the effectiveness of the provision made for children and young people with SEN?
How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to the student’s special educational needs?
We review the needs of the learners within the school and endeavour to put in place provisions in order to be able to cater for these needs. Some funding the school receives may go towards funding training so that in-house provision is more targeted at needs. The SENDCo carried out learning walks which include reviewing how provision is delivered and helps in maintaining standards through rigorous quality assurance.
Decisions are made whether specific interventions are proving to be effective both in terms of the time spent on them and the finance used in providing the intervention.
Finances are very carefully managed and monitored by the Head teacher, School Business Manager and Governors, and we adhere to EFA standards of financial management.
Finances are audited regularly by a firm of auditors and reports are provided to Governors.
How are children and young people with SEN are enabled to engage in activities available with children and young people in the school who do not have SEN?
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?
We have a whole school approach to inclusion which supports all learners engaging in activities together. Any barriers to learning or engagement are reviewed with discussions on what can be done to overcome these. We make reasonable adjustments so that learners can join in with activities regardless of their needs.
All of our students have been able to participate in school trips including our residential trip in Year 8 and A level Biology Field trip to Dale. Extra support has been provided, e.g. adult or Sixth Former have accompanied students with visual impairment.
What support is there for improving emotional and social development? This should include extra pastoral support arrangements for listening to the views of children and young people with SEN and measures to prevent bullying
What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?
Pastoral training is always included in INSET training and individual staff are encouraged to undertake CPD via national and local external courses. This training is cascaded to other staff via twilight Inset sessions or at pastoral team meetings.
Relevant staff are trained to support medical needs and all staff receive additional training for specific condition e.g. Epi-pen, epilepsy etc.
Staff regularly receive safeguarding training
The Head teacher and the Welfare Officer meet the EWO on a termly basis. Attendance information is distributed to TLCs on a fortnightly basis. Appropriate action (discussions with student and/or parent) is taken by tutors or TLC
The student voice is very strong and listened to at Kendrick School. This is done through the School Council, the Kendrick School Leadership Team and focus group meetings with students that take place regularly the year.
Well-being, mindfulness and relaxation sessions are integrated into the PSHCE schemes of work, as well as activities and lessons to develop emotional and social development
Staff have attended various CPD courses on Mental Health and resilience and this information has been shared amongst staff at school.
We have a zero tolerance approach to bullying in the school which addresses the causes of bullying as well as dealing with negative behaviours.
In the first instance every child has a tutor/class teacher who they can talk to in order to share any concerns.
How does the school involve other bodies, including health and social care bodies, local authority support services and voluntary sector organisations, in meeting children and young people’s SEN and supporting their families?
What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?
We hold TLC support meetings where professionals from outside the school are invited to attend. During these meetings we may discuss individual cases where it is felt support above and beyond what the school is able to offer is necessary. In these cases parents and young people will be consulted and consent sought so that agencies are able to work in supporting the overall development of the young person.
We have a particular duty in ensuring that Looked After Children are given the appropriate support and care to help support their progress and engagement within the learning environment.
What arrangements are in place for handling complaints from parents of children with SEN about the provision made at the school?
Who can I contact for further information?
Parental complaints about SEND provision will be heard in the first instance by the Headteacher. If appeals require further consideration, this will be done by a representative of the Governing Body.
The SENDCo at the school is Ms Le Croissette.
We have a SENDCo, Student Welfare Team, Pastoral Leaders, EWO, School Nurse, and three counsellors from No. 5, who are all able to provide information regarding family services and support for students and parents/careers.