Weekly Letter from the Headteacher

Friday 17th May 2024


We are getting glimpses of summer at last, and it is wonderful to see students enjoying their break times outside, particularly on the front lawn where they can sit, eat, chat, or run around in the sunshine. Today on the front lawn at second break was the Wellbeing Festival organised by our Student Welfare Team, Kendrick Wellbeing Committee, and our Wellbeing Ambassadors. Students were asked to wear a green accessory to complement their uniform as a symbol and support of mental health. Messages have been sent to staff and students every day this week highlighting Mental Health Awareness Week and the theme this year is Movement: Moving more for our mental health’ . To support the theme, daily emails have been sent to everyone about easy forms of movement that can aid mental health, for example, physical exercise, dance, sport, yoga and having fun.

Maintaining a good mental health is not easy and we know that issues in life can be very difficult and cause great stress and anxiety. Any number of suggested activities may not necessarily help someone who may be dealing with sorrow, difficult relationships, difficult home life, family break up, economic hardship or any other challenge. One area that we see can be a cause of anxiety for young people is keeping up good relationships and communications with parents. This time last year when we highlighted Mental Health Awareness Week, we invited a speaker from the Charlie Waller Trust, https://charliewaller.org/ who talked about communication skills that parents and their children should try to work at. The presenter, Jenny Langley spoke about a range of well researched and evidence based practical communication skills to assist parents maintain strong connections with their children whatever their mood. She spoke about issues of low self-esteem and anxiety which young people face and which increase at times, for example, when exams are in progress. Jenny presented several exercises and techniques that parents can use to encourage greater empathy and understanding of some of the complex feelings that young people may have. She emphasised that these techniques are not quick fixes that will miraculously improve relationships, but are ways in which, with patience and careful understanding, they can be used to support young people. The presentations were recorded and include numerous slides and links to further information.

First video https://vimeo.com/795538583  Password: CWTJL2023!
Second video Kenrick CWT parent session on Vimeo Password: CWTJL180523

The message about maintaining good communication between us all is something that was emphasised in the webinars on social media that were offered to parents of students across the school, KS3 two weeks ago and KS4 and 5 last night. My colleagues, Mrs Hearn, Head of Sixth Form and Miss Hyde, Assistant Pastoral Leader, spoke about the different apps. available and in use amongst young people, the potential dangers of some of these, but also the advantages and uses of online activity. These will be sent to you in due course.

As it is the summer term, lots of outdoor activities are taking place across the school. Students in 10 were on Duke of Edinburgh expeditions last weekend, thank you to the staff that accompanied them. Next week Year 8 students will be going on the Bushcraft activity trip, learning, and practising life skills in an outdoor environment. In PE, the curriculum has moved to the summer sports and activities, and it has been wonderful to see students on the front lawn these last few weeks practising athletics activities made possible by the funding of KPS to create a long jump, shot put and high jump area. Students will still be able to experience a proper athletics setting next week when students in Years 7 and 9 have a morning at Palmer Park Athletics Stadium, which will provide them with a great PE experience, as well as prepare them for our school Sports Day in July, which always takes place at Palmer Park.

On the website this week are reports and articles on following topics:

School Archives 
Earth Day
Community Music, Churchend
Student Publication, Medisphere

Finally, our successful Mock Trial Team assemble again at Reading Crown Courts tomorrow for the final part of the competition. We wish them well for this last round.

Please read further into the update for important and useful information.

Wishing everyone a sunny weekend.

Kind regards
Ms Christine Kattirtzi

For the Weekly Update in full please click here